Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy

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The Conundrum of Business Development Services (BDS) on Access to Finance for SMEs in Tanzania

Show simple item record Badi, Lwidiko Ishengoma, Esther 2024-09-10T08:58:46Z 2024-09-10T08:58:46Z 2024
dc.identifier.citation Badi,L. & Ishengoma, E. (2024). The Conundrum of Business Development Services (BDS) on Access to Finance for SMEs in Tanzania. Proceedings of the Second Academic Conference in Commemoration of the Late Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere, the First President of the United Republic of Tanzania and Father of the Nation, held at The Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy, Kivukoni Campus, Dar es Salaam on 13th October 2023. 190-215 en_US
dc.identifier.isbn 978-9912-41-309-2
dc.description JOURNAL en_US
dc.description.abstract The study examined the influence of Business Development Services on access to finance for Small and Medium Enterprises in Tanzania. The study was conducted on private agricultural sector support (PASS) for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to access debt finance from formal financial institutions. Out of the 1000 SMEs listed from PASS, a sample of 278 SMEs were selected using the sample determination formula. Two hundred seventy-eight (278) questionnaires were distributed to SMEs, and only two hundred sixty-two (262) were returned and filled out. Data was coded in SPSS and analysed using Standard multiple linear regression. The results indicated that BDS explained 8.0 per cent of change in access to finance. The beta coefficients of all independent variables were positive, which implied that a unit increase in training leads to an increase in access to finance by 0.102, and one unit increase in financial linkage leads to a 0.039 increase in access to debt finance and a one unit increase in guarantee lead to 0.167 increase in access to finance. The study concludes that guarantee contributes more to access to debt finance than financial linkages and training. The study recommends that BDS be provided conveniently and affordable to enable SMEs to access debt finance easily from formal financial institutions. en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.publisher The Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy en_US
dc.subject Business Development Services (BDS) en_US
dc.subject access to finance en_US
dc.subject SMEs en_US
dc.title The Conundrum of Business Development Services (BDS) on Access to Finance for SMEs in Tanzania en_US
dc.type Conferencce Proceedings en_US

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